

September 24 2008, 11:24 PM

Oh I have some things to say alittle of everywhere I like writing I do manage to say that alot and I like art, I also am skitzophrenic,biopolor and an alcoholic what a bad mixture boohoo right? People dont want to hear about that and most people want to hear about themselfes there are alot of blogs created but do people read them or do they create what is theres for themselfes and read there own? P robably what I guessed but it is only because not enough people care for each other is why this happens with technology and like I said before this end of the word thing with technology and revelotion changing so fast people have addhd yeah thats hard to believe but how much multitasking goes on chidren left for hours to fend for themselfs who is there r built in babysitter the xbox or computers . Isnt it sad but it is true why dont they go outside and throw a basketball instead they have to keep up with school work and there text messagig on there iphones well things should revolt back to the late 1800s wouldnt it be easier, even on the radio the announcers are anouncing there myspace and checking there email because why it promises them they can be famous or wanted a false sense of hope how nice.Also back to who read the blogs only probably the ones who write them and maybea few of there friends ifthere not self cenered and i mean this in a sad way because peope are neding love and communicaition andtalking to each oher, nottextmessaging or everyone in there house on seperate computers not even talking maybe its different in your house.

Posted in cindersfire


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  • 34 years old


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Last update Sep 24, 2008